The Making of an Ornamental Frame A step by step guide that shows how I create my ornamental frames.One of my ornamental frames, made with a self made fiber composite material, basically fibers and glue.The first setup, lines are drawn with chalk on a table. Later clay will be added.Setting up the clay, using various hoops and rulers and what not to create shapes.Working the clay is finished, the form is in the final stage. You can see some more of the tools I use.The next step creating a couple of casts with gypsum plaster. More details of the castEven more details of the castSome parts fresh from the cast. The fiber composite material has to dry some time while in the casts.And when the shapes come from the cast they have to dry some more, with all the clamps to make sure they remain straight and do not deform.In this case, I only made half a shape a shape in clay and reproduce it twice in fiber composite material. Here is the first time all the shapes are laid out on the floor.Gluing the shapes together with the aid of a wooden framePainting the framePainting the frame some moreA detail of the painted frameThe final design