It is a bit dark, but I like it. There is also a beta version. I started photographing for the series somewhere last winter – among other things inspired by stories about certain parts of Belgium and France still being off limits since WWI (the so called ‘Great war’) due to the poison in the earth.

We do not see that many broken trees in landscapes – or at least in the Netherlands I have hardly ever seen them. It is in the long list of things that are hidden from our view because of civilization? Just like sick people – and epidemics and death and other nasty stuff.
Today on reddit there was a story from a doctor who told about his experience with two different patients for whom there were no more options – and apparently that used to be very rare until Covid came along.
These and other things are an inspiration here. More will follow. Not sure where it goes – I got a whole lot of pictures of trees without leaves.
Materials: paint, black and white print, paint, 10mm MDF board in Frame made from Fiber Composite Material
Printing Technique: Transfer print / Digital Printmaking
Dimensions: 65x50cm