‘NebenanSicht …Das Leben an sich’ – Exhibition MFG – Bahnhof Lichtenberg 2013

New Expo, the other one is about a year ago. This time with the group gathered around the Movement for Galleries project here in Berlin (MFG).

It is going to be in Bahnhof Lichtenberg – the official opening is going to be on the 14th of september at 19.00 hours, there will be a sneak preview at the 7th of september at 19.00 hours and there will be another event at the 21st of september at 18.00 hours (The Artweek Special). It will be open every weekend More info at the Berlin-MFG website.

I also send an artwork to Hotel Bogota to give my support. It will be part of the auction at the 22nd of september.

The works I show both at the Bahnhhof Lichtenberg and at the Hotel Bogota all have frames that are especially made for the artworks. Apart from posters and postcards, I only want to present works with their own frame, a frame that is part of the artwork.

Saint Stephan the Drunk – Framed 2013-1

Materials: Wood, fiber composite material, paint, cardboard, rusted metal parts, cloth, print
Print: Photolux Professional Matte 230
Print-size middle panel: 90 cm * 60 cm
Print-size side panels: 45 cm * 60 cm
Total-size: appr. 250 cm * 95 cm
Based on: Saint Stephan the Drunk, Lets call it Paradise, Fallen from Grace