With most of the smaller stuff I have made since 2017, I have tried to play with influences from the last couple of centuries – but with this frame I tried to play with something found in the earth. The print in the center makes it look kinda new, that is true – but I would like to research ways to change that as well.
Maybe a painting with laser print image transfer on a painting could be the next step instead of fancy matte prints. Maybe I should work with concrete or a more stone like material – and connect everything using thick iron wire, 3mm or so. And it will be rusty or blackened, no need to ask.
Why would I want that? And why would I also make sure everybody can see it is not from the past? In popular culture, we always go towards a glorious future with the progression of time – but it does not need to be. Archeology/history has shown that this is most most definitely not the case. And with climate change and all, we might not come out on top.
For me these artworks are ‘proof’ of a continued human presence – even without the technology of today. Or maybe this presence is not human, but another animal that learns how to use tools and develops their brain. There are people who have pointed out that other monkeys/primates have entered a development that we could call ‘the stone age.’
My name is Jerome Goldnose, I am not a politician – I am an artist. I live and work in Berlin (DE) and the subject matter of my art is time.
Materials: Fiber composite material, print, paint,
Print: Photolux Professional Matte 230
Dimensions: 60 x 60 cm